
If something is effective it does what it’s supposed to. Here’s what the Merriam-Webster dictionary says.
No-one wants to waste their time or money on something that isn’t effective.
Remember the advert for wallpaper paste from the ‘70s? If not, or you’re a little too young, check it out the link at the bottom . . . now that looks like an effective product!
We are all looking to improve something in our lives. Our health. Our mental health. Our relationships. Our career. Our social skills. Our ability to relax. The way we style our hair.
When we want it so much we buy the product or service to help, we want results.
We crave an effective result. Otherwise, what’s the point?
To show your product or service is effective, you have a few options.
Ask past clients to provide testimonials. These are little statements or stories customers make that “prove” the effectiveness of your product or service.
For example:
“I lost 3lbs in a week and never felt hungry once!”
“I use the simple breathing technique to calm myself down at the office or when my kids are acting it. It works every time.”
“This is the most charming B&B, clean and tidy. The breakfast was delicious and there was plenty of it!”
You might be able to get an endorsement. These are different to testimonials because they come from experts. Can a doctor verify your massage technique? Does a Reiki Master use your oils?
Lots of products use celebrity endorsements. You’ve seen them advertising everything from shampoo to anti-ageing creams. The shopping channels abound with them.
“Effective” is much more potent when backed up with these sorts of proofs. If you are just starting out and don’t have anything, be aware your content will be weaker if potential clients must take your word for it!
Of course, you might be new to your biz, but using a tried and tested technique. Take NLP for example. There will be plenty of quotes about how effective the various techniques are. So, you could use these. Just make it clear the quotes don’t refer specifically to yourself!
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