
Shame. This word works on righteous outrage and curiosity.
How often have you read about a celebrity shame weekend drugs and drink-fuelled binge? Or a politician’s shameful double standards- voting to cut the budget to help people buy their first homes while using taxpayer’s money to buy another villa in France?
Result? Indignation. It’s one way to get people on your side. Show how bad the other side is. Classic in-group/out-group psychology
So, how to use curiosity to work in tandem with the idea of shameful behaviour? Although we might all look rightfully shocked at certain behaviours, the tabloid press and TV shows like Geordie Shore or even Big Brother simply wouldn’t exist if people didn’t get a little kick out of hearing how bad someone else has been.
How about these headlines for luring people in to reveal in the messes other people get into?
Geordie Shore’s biggest OMG moments
Celebrity Big Brother viewers shocked by housemate’s ‘shameful’ question
Did you click on either of the above links?
Be honest, now.
Your business may not deal with such topics, but you might still find you do use the idea of shame in your product or service.
Do you want to ensure the hikers on your tours don’t litter? Make the behaviour of those day-trippers who leave crisp packets and banana peels shameful.
Do you want to inspire trust within your self-help circle? Advise them you do not tolerate anything from gossip to eye-rolling while someone is speaking.
Run a resort but don’t want clients to feel embarrassed or alarmed by the drunken behaviour of other guests? You guessed it. Make it clear you don’t tolerate such shameful behaviour.
It’s the stick, rather than the carrot, I guess.
You might not need to use it, but it’s a useful tool for your toolkit should you need it.
There is a lot more to this word, and we don’t have time to go into it here. But I’ll be revisiting this powerful, specialised piece of sales equipment.
In the meantime, you can learn more about how my content and copywriting services can help your business.
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