
Capital City:
Major Cities:
Aarhus, Odense, Aalborg, Frederiksberg.
5.77 million (2017)
A temperate climate. Mild winters and cool summers
Top Destinations:
The delightful yet poignant Little Mermaid statue in Copenhagen.
Stroll through the iconic Tivoli Gardens in Copenhagen.
If you are interested in ships and shipping, the Maritime Museum of Denmark is a must. Located in Helsingør, you can gawp at stunning trading ships dating back to the 15th century.
Did you know Lego comes from Denmark? You can take the kids to the LEGO House in Billund for a fantastic day out. The best bit? It’s shaped like a giant pile of LEGO bricks!
Important Dates:
Grundlovsdag (Constitution Day) 5 June
Sankt Hans Aften (Midsummer) 24 June
Sankt Mortens Aften (St. Martins Day) 23 November
Lille Juleaften (Little Christmas Eve) 23 December
Juleaften (Christmas Eve) 24 December
Juledag (Christmas) 25 December
Nytaarsaften (New Year’s Eve) 31 December
Hans Christian Andersen, the author of The Little Mermaid, The Ugly Duckling and more, was Danish. Be warned, the originals versions ain’t Disney.
Denmark is an archipelago (a group of islands) made up of over 100 islands
You can get more information from the Visit Denmark tourist site.
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