Classic Copywriting Series:
Choose your tone carefully because everyone is different

The first article in this new series discusses the key, indisputable fact: every customer is different, so you need to choose your tone carefully.
In the first in the CMarianne Classic Copywriting Series, I talk about one of the keys to successful copywriting.
In this series, I take a deep dive into the most influential and quotable sales copy. This first article compares two classic direct sales letters.
Take 10 minutes to check out the article and find out:
- How the very first word is make or break for your sales copy
- The best way to tap into the subconscious mind of your prospective customer
- Why you need to bring your prospect into sharp focus
- The tricks and techniques the experts use with their words
I love these letters, that’s why I started off with them, but there are so many more to analyse, and I can’t wait to share the series with you!
Click here and start learning all about how to choose the right tone to speak to your audience!
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