
You should always use copywriting to empower your customers where you can. We are going to look at the importance of empowering your customers and how that affects customer retention.
The importance of your customers feeling good about what they have bought cannot be over-estimated. Remember, no matter whether you are selling a physical product, experience, or a bed for the night, your customer is always looking for a particular feeling.
Selling make-up? Your customer wants to feel beautiful, confident, like a film star.
A bungee jump? They want to feel exhilarated, powerful, like a risk-taker.
A course in mediation? Can you guess how they want to feel now?
That’s why it’s so important to believe in your product and to know it is going to enhance someone’s life. A warm, comfortable bed will ensure your guest wakes up refreshed and ready to go. A poor night’s sleep on a lumpy bed or with curtains that let the light through can leave them cross and tired even a few days later. And you know how people love to leave reviews these days, positive and the negative.
If you’d like to see how copywriting can get your product emotionally in tune with your clients, take a look at my copywriting portfolio. This is important, because. . .
We are All Craving Certain Emotional States.
I love this example from the New York Times. Yes, some people will give even the Great Wall of China got a 1-star review for being old.
“I don’t see the hype in this place it’s really run down and old… why wouldn’t you update something like this? No USB plug-ins or outlets anywhere.”
If people will find the Great Wall of China disappointing, what do you think they’ll do if your promises don’t deliver? Now, it’s true some people do just love to complain. But if you’ve been true to your product and great at communication, you empower your customer to take some ownership of your product and they are less likely to be disappointed.
If you have any questions, you can contact me for a free, no-obligation chat about how copywriting could be used in your business.