What motivates people to buy?
Wouldn’t you love to understand your customers’ motivation?
People aren’t actually being selfish, but whatever you’re selling needs to benefit them.
Are you providing an important service for them? Or a loved one?
Do you bring them joy, a way to relax or a new way to do what they love?
Does the product or service you provide help someone they care about?
Are you selling something that makes their home a nicer place to be?

People will always be interested when you’re selling what they want to buy…
People buy things because they fulfil a need. But that doesn’t necessarily mean they are selfish. For the psychologists among you, there’s a Friends episode that talks about true selflessness.
But, yes, in a way your prospect is thinking of themself when they are weighing up your offering. But they might be thinking about how they can buy someone a present, throw a surprise party or help someone have the experience of a lifetime.
Whatever you’re selling, it needs to show potential customers how it is going to fulfil that need. You can learn more about how my content and copywriting services can help your business by really getting in tune with how your product or service can benefit them.
You may have heard that you sell with benefits, not features, and that’s true. But that idea has been superseded by a deeper level of service you need to tap into super-charge your prospects’ interest.
To find out more, you can contact me for a free, no-obligation chat about my writing services.