
Do you want to be unique? Wouldn’t it be nice if everyone recognised your special inner glow? Being run-of-the-mill and mainstream is boring, unattractive, uninteresting. Or so we think.
Most people try to show their little differences, whether it’s with a haircut, style of clothing or the music they listen to.
“Uniqueness” is linked to having special or valuable skills. When it comes to physical products, you want to really dig deep and find out what makes your product the one to buy? How does it stand out? Why should someone buy YOUR widget the one they spend their money on?
If your product isn’t a physical object, a course, a technique or experience, you still need to think about what makes it different from the rest. It might be you. Or your staff. Whoever delivers it. Think about your experience, qualifications, your soothing manner. . .
It’s important to have your USP or Unique Selling Position stated clearly. On your website, any marketing and packaging or handouts. You should be able to tie your USP to your company values. This helps you build your brand and target people who have a high potential to become customers. And repeat customers at that.
Hidden Dangers.
However, be careful splashing “unique” around your website. Saying something is unique doesn’t make it so! You need to be able to back up your claim.
“Unique” has been used so often it has become a bit of a spam word, so be careful using it in headlines. And I wouldn’t write it in capitals at all.
Targeting your ideal customer can really make your product stand out. Look at the opening lines of the classic Fly Fisherman sales letter to see how this master copywriter targets those who love fly fishing.
“Fellow Angler:
There’s bait casting. There’s spin fishing. And then they fishing — what Robert Traver (author of Anatomy of a Murder but best known to fishermen for his love affair with trout) called “one of the more amiable forms of an incurable madness.”
If the hairs on your neck tingle at the vision of a dusk-rising brown gently finning as he looks upstream for hors d’oeuvres, you’ve got the madness.”
Can you see how an in-group of men who love to pit themselves against a wily opponent in patient solitude has been created within a few lines? Masterful!
And if you’ve just been bitten, check out Fly Fisherman here!
If you’ve like to see what well-written copywriting can do for your business, take a look at my copywriting portfolio.
Contact me for a free, no-obligation chat about my writing services and see what copywriting can do to boost your business.