Sell with Feeling.

Take a look at the psychology of buying and selling. It’s well worth your time.
Why does someone buy a new car? Because they need to get from A to B? It’s a good reason, but very unlikely to be the only one. The wide variety of cars tells us people have preferences. So, drill down deeper and find out what those preferences are…and why they are.
Let’s work with the car example.
Reason to Buy a Car:
- To get to work
- To do the shopping
- To transport the family safely
- To look rich/adventurous/cute
- To feel powerful
- To feel like a good parent (safety features)
- To feel sexy
- To be attractive
- To have a better car than the neighbour
- To fit in with peer group
- To please significant other
- To drive fast and feel dangerous/rebellious
- To feel free
- To have a comfortable, quiet space
There’s a lot going on there. you can see the psychology of buying has several levels. Much more than simply moving around quickly and easily. Your job is to find out which of these your customers favour and market to that. Lexus, for example, found their well-of, busy customers didn’t care so much about speed or safety features. They wanted a quiet, comfortable space away from their hectic lifestyles, but without the guilt of wasting time. Enter a great marketing campaign.
Why do your clients really want to go to Thailand?
- To go somewhere hot
- Luxury at an affordable price
- Great photos to share on social media
- To look exotic and well-travelled
- For peace and serenity
- To experience something new
- To go wild away from family/peers
- To immerse themselves in another culture
- To look like they want to experience another culture
- To see certain famous sights
- Because everyone is going
- To swim, sunbathe and read books
- To experience the beauty of Loi Krathong
- To buy cheap goods
This doesn’t even scratch the surface.
Just think, people do things for many, many reasons. Some might be obvious, others less so. Some might be noble, others are entirely selfish.
Remember, what you think you’re selling might not be what your customers are hoping to buy. I’m going to be talking about this sort of expectation in another post, so stay tuned. For now, just mull over the featured quote:
“In our factory, we make lipstick. In our advertising, we sell hope,” from Peter Nivio Zarlenga
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