Republic of Vanuatu or Ripablik blong Vanuatu
Capital City:
Port Vila
Major Cities:
Population: 307,145
Climate: Warm, tropical
Top Destinations:
Mount Yasur is an active volcano on Tanna Island. Situated near Sulphur Bay, this 361m high volcano has been erupting several times an hour for several hundred years.
Million Dollar Point is a fantastic place to snorkel, wreck diving and sunbathing.
Important Dates:
1 January: New Year’s Day
21 February: Father Lini Day
5 March: Custom Chief’s Day
13 April: Easter Monday
1 May: Labour Day
21 May: Ascension Day
24 July: Children’s Day
30 July: Independence Day
15 August: Assumption Day
5 October: Constitution Day
29 November: Unity Day
25 December: Christmas Day
26 December: Family Day
They invented Bungee jumping
The islanders of Vanuatu were well known as cannibals and the last recorded cannibal killing on Vanuatu was in 1969.
It’s very difficult to get to Vanuatu for a visit but get there if you can because tourism is very important to their economy.
Wreck-divers can visit the USS President Coolidge, wrecked in 1942.
It’s the world’s fourth happiest country.
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