Kingdom of Tonga, Tongan Fatui ʿo Tonga

Capital City: Nuku’alofa
Major Cities:
Tongan, English
Top Destinations:
Head to Vava’u Islands if swimming with whales is on your bucket list. Make sure you do this through official routes. Whales are fiercely protected and you can have your visa cancelled if you try and get close in a private vessel.
The Ma’aming ‘a Maui, or Maui’s Burden, a trilithon near Neotoma, is as baffling as Stonehenge. Three coralline (from coral) stones make a gate, archway or door that weight up to 40 tonnes each!
Which beach do you visit? You’ll have to decide this for yourself. White beaches, corals reefs and resorts offer everything you could want.
Important Dates:
1 January: New Year’s Day
10 April: Good Friday
13 April: Easter Monday
25 April: ANZAC Day
4 June: Emancipation Day
4 July: Birthday of His Majesty King Tupou VI
17 September: Birthday of Crown Prince Tupouto’a-‘Ulukalala
4 November: Constitution Day
4 December: Anniversary of the Coronation of King Tupou I
25 December: Christmas Day
26 December: Boxing Day
Only 52 of the more than 170 islands are inhabited.
Tonga became known in the West as the “Friendly Islands” because they greeted Captain James Cook cordially on his first visit in 1773.
Tonga has many white and golden sandy beaches allowing for exceptional swimming, diving, and snorkelling experiences.
Thanks to ancient Tongan legend, flying bats are considered sacred and the property of the monarchy. They are a protected species and thrive on many Tongan islands.
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