Whether you’re going for a walk in your local area or travelling to the other side of the world, there is a growing realisation travel must not damage the local ecosystem.
There’s nothing more distressing or frustrating seeing a beach covered in litter. Seaweed washed up entangled in plastic. Beer cans in rock pools. Food packaging every few meters. Idyllic walks in the countryside marred by the inner tube of a bicycle, empty water bottles or crisp packets.
We often think people are lucky to live in areas of outstanding beauty. But often, drunk tourists, illegal parking or litter louts feel like a high price.
We’ve all seen the pictures of people queuing to summit Mount Everest. It’s not safe for the climbers, and it’s taking a toll on the ecosystem of the entire area.
If you’re in the travel business, none of this will be news.
The question is- how can you help?
In an era where corporate social responsibility is under scrutiny and bad practice can be tweeted around the world in seconds, it’s time to plan how you can let your prospects and customers know how you do your bit.
Learn more about how my content and copywriting services can help boost your business.
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