SUBJECT LINE: Fitness and vitality don’t have to stop or drop when you hit 45.

Mary’s Story.
Dear overweight and middle-aged friend,
Don’t worry – there’s hope!
I’m so proud of myself! Just take a look at that chart…36lbs in 6 months! The weight loss was fast, healthy, and so much fun to do! And it’s stayed off!
I’m 5’4”, so ANY extra weight shows pretty quickly. When I was in my 20’s and 30’s, I could lose it just as quick with a month or so of healthy eating and a bit of exercise.
Once I hit 40, though, everything changed. The weight sort of crept up on me, and before I knew it, I was borderline obese. I had to do something, and a friend told me about BYB.
I loved the concept!
And now I love Basketball Yoga Blast! It really fits into my schedule… I work up a sweat… I’m so toned… I feel fantastic!
And, as an added bonus, my backache has gone! I really can’t recommend BYB enough to anyone who wants to lose weight and have fun!
Love, Mary x
Month | Weight (lbs) |
February | 160 |
March | 154 |
April | 146 |
May | 141 |
June | 135 |
July | 128 |
August | 124 |
Total Weight Lost: | 36 lbs in 6 Months! |

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