Finally, the ultimate fitness solution for basketball lovers!
Stay Fit, Slim and Trim Past 40…
Mary’s Story.
When I turned 40, I just started to gain weight. It was like my whole body changed.
Yes, I sat down every day for work, but I always have. I walked my dog three times a day, same route as always. But it suddenly wasn’t enough.
OK, I had the odd big meal out and some sweets and chocolate. But again, I always had.
My weight started to creep up.
And I’ve got to be honest, at first, it was only a little. I thought I could lose it easily. So I didn’t do anything about it.
I couldn’t believe it – borderline obese!
I’m 5’4”, so ANY extra weight shows pretty quickly. When I was in my 20’s and 30’s, I could lose it pretty quickly with a few weeks or a month of healthy eating and a bit of exercise.
But after a year or so – I have no idea how I left it so long. Time just goes so quickly, you know?
Anyway, one day I got on the scales and I was horrified to see I was borderline obese.
I felt a total failure. Just gross. And angry. I’d seen other people eating more than me.

I tried everything to lose weight…
I was already a member of a gym – but I actually started going. But the classes weren’t at great times because of my son’s after school clubs. And as a family, we always try and go somewhere at the weekend.
So, I didn’t go to the classes.
I wanted to go swimming, but I was too embarrassed to be seen in a swimsuit.
I looked at some DVD packages. But, to be honest, they didn’t fit either. And I tried a lot. I’ve probably thrown away hundreds on fitness videos where you dance, lift weights, stretch or box. They were also pretty boring. You had a choice of maybe 3 routines.
And one was always too hard. Often, the camera was focused on the instructor’s face so you couldn’t see what they were doing. Or they tried to cram in so much and it was just really hard to keep up.
I got some more intensive programs. They wanted an hour a day for 6 months. They had more variety, but I just didn’t have the time.
I was feeling really low. I spend a couple of years trying to get slim, and nothing was working. I just got fatter.

Friends, colleagues I knew didn’t do as much exercise. It just wasn’t fair.
Finally, I realised feeling sorry for myself was not the answer.
I needed to take action.
Help from an old friend…and an obvious choice!
Then a friend of mine, Sally, told me about Basketball Yoga Blast. Our boys both love playing basketball, and we would sit together at games. She’d been working away for a few years, but she was back now. We couldn’t wait to catch up at the next basketball game.
I remember that day so clearly.
I literally had to drag myself along to the game.
I was feeling really bad. I was so self-conscious and felt so out of control, I didn’t even want to go and see my son play the sport we both love.
I thought he would be embarrassed by his fat mom.
I believed I was ruining his chances of being taken seriously as a dedicated athlete by being fat.
Sally noticed something was wrong – it wasn’t hard, but she’s really easy to talk to. She’d also struggled with weight for a long time. When I was spilling my heart out, it occurred to me she’d really slimmed down. Her skin had cleared up. She looked lighter on her feet, somehow. Even her hair was shinier.
Whatever she’d done, I wanted in.
Do you want to know more about the ultimate fitness solution that changed Mary’s life?